Stressed out "right now"?

Try my FREE 3-day virtual "urgent care" to help you deal with the thorns life is throwing at ya' right NOW.

Not everyone has time to be or wants to be, master meditator.

Sometimes you just want quick skills before you "lose it".

Here is what you'll receive

You will get my three most popular Dharma talks & meditations--- with a short lesson with each in the following topics:

  1. Ending Suffering and Celebrating Your True Self
  2. Letting Go and Seeing Yourself as You Are
  3. Embracing the Courage to Stand in Your Truth & Have Difficult Conversations

About Me:
I am a licensed therapist, Zen Buddhist teacher and developed and lead a donation-based Sangha for the late Thich Nhat Hanh's Plum Village. As a trauma-informed professional, my practice guided by nurturing safety, self-healing and growth.

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